RB Blog
75 Kindies!
Yesterday I had the opportunity to teach 75 Kindergarteners yoga at South Memorial School in Peabody, MA. They all gathered in the gym with their towels and blankets to create
Everyday mindfulness tip #1
This week I decided to create a video instead of writing. In this vlog, you are encouraged to figure out where you are breathing and the importance of taking big
Belly breath vs chest breathing
This week I would like to share a video blog to "stress" the importance of belly breathing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S74gDq71Y4I
Belly Breaths
When I take a step back and figure out what has been the biggest help to soothe my anxiety, it is definitely belly breathing! Imagine yourself in a situation that
The Present of Presence
Chestnuts remind me of being little, walking to school and the briskness of fall fast approaching. When we were about 6, my best friend and I would go up to this
Please excuse my language–F*ck you anxiety
Dear anxiety disorder, F*ck you. No seriously. F*ck you. For my entire life until this moment I have run from my anxiety— I have created this super resilient girl when
Mindless Splinter
Being mindful! OH how hard it can be to take the time to slow down. After creating content for our newsletter, I was carrying my computer from the kitchen to
Meditation tips for beginners
1. Find a space where distractions are as minimal as possible. If I have a cell phone near me I will be tempted to look at my email or check
"When I get home from yoga, my brother gets all hyper and I say, "DON'T GET THE YOGA OUT OF ME!!" -Caroline, 7 At Blessed Sacarement School in Denver, I