
RB Blog

75 Kindies!

Yesterday I had the opportunity to teach 75 Kindergarteners yoga at South Memorial School in Peabody, MA. They all gathered in the gym with their towels and blankets to create

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Belly breath vs chest breathing

This week I would like to share a video blog to "stress" the importance of belly breathing.

Belly Breaths

When I take a step back and figure out what has been the biggest help to soothe my anxiety, it is definitely belly breathing! Imagine yourself in a situation that

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The Present of Presence

Chestnuts remind me of being little, walking to school and the briskness of fall fast approaching. When we were about 6, my best friend and I would go up to this

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Mindless Splinter

Being mindful! OH how hard it can be to take the time to slow down. After creating content for our newsletter, I was carrying my computer from the kitchen to

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