Videos for Social-Emotional Learning


It’s no secret that stress is on the rise. After teaching yoga and mindfulness in schools for the last decade, we created a data-driven tool that helps children thrive by simply pressing play!

Research shows that SEL programs alone have boosted kids’ academic performance, as well as benefitted them socially and emotionally, and many believe mindfulness should also belong in the SEL toolkit.


We’ve created a video curriculum to be administered before the start of the academic school day, during morning meeting– to help the teachers and students start the day off with mental clarity and a feeling of safety and belonging.

This tool is also helpful before or after transitions throughout the school day.


We have developed an online platform where teachers can deliver healthy coping strategies by simply pressing play.

When children participated in our 5 minute videos 3-5x a week for 8 weeks there was a statistically significant improvement in:

  • Interpersonal Strength: Ability to control emotions and behaviors in a social situation.
  • Involvement with Family: Participation and relationship with his or her family.
  • Intrapersonal Strength: Outlook on his or her competence and accomplishment.
  • Affective Strength: Ability to express feelings towards others and to accept affection from others.

We are on a fierce mission to give children simple and accessible tools to help calm the nervous system and feel safe in school so they are ready to learn.


Sample video