Finding a Happy Place

Thinking of something happy…

Perhaps it’s playing with a puppy dog, laughing with your friends, family hugs, or building a sandcastle at the beach. These are some examples but a happy place is unique to all of us.

When a racing mind won’t quit, imagining a happy place can help soothe the mind by bringing up thoughts that elicit a positive response in mind and body. It’s also a way to slow down racing thoughts that might be downward spiraling.

If children can learn different tools to self soothe then they can help themselves feel better when another option might not be readily available. In a perfect world all the adults in their lives could help them soothe (co-regulation) but that’s not always possible, especially during a pandemic when our hearts and minds are full to the brim.

Imagine a child wakes up from a nightmare… they take 5 deep belly breaths which send a signal to the brain to relax, then they begin to imagine their favorite place— either real or imagined. They might drift off to sleep again or perhaps they need more time/help. Either way, deep breathing and thinking of a place that makes them happy can become lifelong tools.

Imagining a happy place can help us feel at ease when we are dealing with frustration, excitement, or having intense emotions.
Whether it’s waking up from a nightmare or sitting at the doctor’s office about to get a shot, filling up children’s toolkit will help them build resilience as they compassionately soothe body and mind.

We love teaching children how to build their own unique tool kits. If you are looking to equip youth with deep breathing, mindfulness, or guided imagery we’d love to connect!

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